Friday, February 25, 2011

Three minute fiction: Who do you look like?

A very short story ....

"Did anyone ever tell you you look  like George Clooney?" she asked.
I had two reactions to that question.
The first was that this was a preposterous statement. I look in the mirror every day. I had looked in the mirror almost every day of my life. I know what I look like, and I know what George Clooney looks like, and neither of us would ever be confused for the other, not on my best day and George Clooney's worst.  I knew I was not the kind of guy with classic movie star looks, the kind of guy that walked into a room and every one, woman and man alike, couldn't help but look at.
And yet, down deep somewhere, I caught myself thinking, "what if I do somehow look like George Clooney?" I mean, it wasn't like she asked me if anyone had ever told me I looked like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise or one of those guys who don't look real, who look like they weren't born but rather drawn into life, in the image of some artists' lofty ideal of what a woman really wants a man to look like.
What if I was really better looking than I thought? What if all of us are? I mean, I had just watched this interview with Rick Springfield, the musician and actor who was a daytime soap opera heart throb and moderately successful musician ("Jessie's Girl"). He was sitting there, 60 years old, and could still pass for mid-30s, and he was saying how he never felt he was good looking, that he couldn't talk to girls and the only reason he began playing music was because it caused girls to come to him and he didn't have to initate conversation. He was that insecure about himself and his looks and even after miles on the road with different girls every night and now 30 years of being happily married to the same woman, he was still basically insecure.
Maybe that's how it is. Maybe we can't really see ourselves because when we look in the mirror we're so caught up in seeing the individual flaws that we can't get a true picture of the whole package. If it could be that way with Rick Springfield, why not me?
Could it be that I really did have some quality that I just couldn't see? I couldn't see any resemblance to George Clooney, but then, George Clooney has that kind of guy-next-door, everyman kind of look about him as opposed to the plastic perfection of those guys who are just so perfect it almost hurts to look at them.
Maybe she saw something in me that I didn't.
Maybe ...
"No," I answered. "I've never heard that."
She smiled.
"I didn't think so,'' she said. "Because you don't look anything like him."
And with that, she turned and walked off into the night.
Perhaps she went off looking for someone who really did look like George Clooney.
But I had this sneaking feeling she was just looking for somebody that didn't look like me.

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