Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My Plan to Turn the Economy Around

I've been thinking - inspired, really, by Tim Pawlenty, former governor of Minnesota who is also a former candidate for president.
Pawlenty - at least I think it was Pawlenty; so many of those Republican candidates look so much alike - issued a challenge to, I supposed, anyone in America.
He said if anyone could provide a plan written by the President, Barack Obama, on anything having to do with the economy, he'd come cook dinner for you. Or cut your grass. Only he limited that grass-cutting offer to just one acre if it was presidential candidate and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney's massive estate.
I was thinking about this, wondering about how to save the American economy, when it hit me. In fact, it was so simple, I almost hesitate to share it. It's so simple, I can't believe no one has offered this up as a solution.
Who has all of our money?
Apparently, the Chinese. At least, that's what we're led to believe, and who am I to doubt? I mean, it's not like I have any money.
And how many Chinese are there? Something like 1.3 billion (according to that completely trustworthy resource, Wikipedia).
So  if we could just get, say, $10 from every Chinese, we'd have something like $13 billion dollars. Hmm, that may not be enough. So let's throw in India, with 1.2 billion, and go after another $10 per Indian, meaning another $12 billion, added to the previous amount and now we have $25 billion ...
Wow. This saving the economy isn't going to be as easy as I thought. $25 billion just doesn't go as far as you'd think it would when we're talking about being $14 trillion in debt, or whatever outrageously astronomical sum of money they tell us this country is in debt.
But anyway ... how do we get our money back from the Chinese?
"As seen on TV."
Well, that's where it started. But I was thinking, what do we still do better than anybody in the world?
Catalogues. Mail order. Late night infomercials.
Billy Mays. Ronco. L.L. Bean. Bose. Hemmlecher-Shemleckler, or whatever that catalogue is that I always see on airplanes and think to myself, "I'd really like to have one of those"  but thankfully the flight ends before I actually go through with it.
And of course, Victoria's Secret.
We take all those, put them on a plane, and drop them in every city, town, village, hamlet, farmhouse, mountain-top temple in China (oh, and India - I almost forgot), and wait for the orders to come rolling in.
Slice 'n Dice. Awesome Auger. The Waterproof Pet Seat Cover. Pajama Jeans.
Kymaro Bust-Up-Cups. Veg-o-matic. My Booty Belt. The Groutinator.
We laugh at them, but still, down deep somewhere, don't you secretly hope they work? That it really is that simple?
We flood the Far East with info-mercials and catalogues like we did our bank notes.
And pretty soon, all that money comes flowing back here.
You know what's really cool about all this? Most of that stuff is made over there anyway, so we don't even have to make it! We just process the orders, box 'em up, ship them out, and click the ol' Pay Pal button.
Before long, China and India is just as broke- financially and morally - as we are.
And it's a win-win for everybody.

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