Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas: Pressure to blog

I haven't written anything in awhile. I'm sorry (if you care).
For so long I wrote on deadlines, and it's nice not to have to worry about that now.
On the other hand, I feel the old newspaper pressure to keep something fresh on this blog as often as possible, just in case. I don't want anyone to come to this blog and be disappointed.
So I'm formulating some new ideas I want to get to.

One is about riding elevators. I struck me how elevators are little universes, where people come on and get off at random times, and the interaction between people on the elevators is always interesting.

Another is about family. Christmas does that to me. I started thinking about my own family, and then Jesus' family, and how unusual Jesus' family wound up being - how they doubted him!

And there is a whole blog about my review of Warhorse. Let me just say, my sons didn't want to go. I told them Steven Spielberg didn't make bad movies. They were right and I was wrong. It was really a waste of time on so many levels. But maybe I'll get to that, too.

Anyway, consider this all a 'tease' for when I have some time to write. But right now, I'm enjoying Christmas with my family. The boys are playing ping-pong on the kitchen island (see the pictures on my facebook page). I always wondered why The Trophy Wife insisted on putting in such a huge island in the kitchen, and now I understand!

Christmas was really a lot of fun, once we got everyone in the mood. We're at that stage in life where the Trophy Wife and I have to wake the kids up to open presents now. The night before, we'd actually talked about waiting until after church to open presents, but on Christmas morning the Trophy Wife woke up and couldn't stand it; she loves Christmas and family so much. So we got the kids up, fought over the attitudes of a few sluggards who didn't want to get in the spirit just yet, and had a great time.

The one gift that I thought was really odd was that ping-pong set. It was just a net, paddles and balls, and made to set up on a random flat surface. I thought it would never be used. Instead, we've played it non-stop; even while Christmas dinner was being prepared.

Funny how sometimes what seems like the most unlikely gifts turn out to be the best.

Anyway, I hope you had a Merry Christmas (whoever you are), and I feel rejuvenated and ready to write again. I hope you come back and take the time to read.

Meanwhile, the Princess Bear has returned from Brussels (When in Brussels) and returned to her Life in the Slow Lane blog (now called: Adventures of a Girl Raised in the South).

Peace and Goodwill ...

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